$1 Billion SAVED
Largest Dealership Association in the US
Diversified Dealers is a valued resource for purchasing products and services that dealerships utilize in the course of everyday business by combing the strength of the dealership group to secure the best possible price on everyday items. This is accomplished while maintaining the highest standards of product equality and vendor service. All endorsed vendors are rigorously vetted and re-bid on a regular basis insuring the profitability of the dealership.
This is not a classroom theory. This is a proven concept–backed by real dealer experiences.
Over the past 45 years, dealerships in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin, have been saving hundreds of thousands of dollars every year in DDA programs. Today, over 500 dealerships in 25 States are members in the DDA programs and are currently reaping great savings. As an endorsed member of State Associations, DDA is offered to dealerships throughout the country where the total number of potential participating dealerships is unlimited.
Your In-house Management Company Without The Cost!
Founded in 1980
Over 44 years of purchasing, cost control and general management experience
Successful group purchasing enhancement program with Automobile Dealers
Joint venture opportunities with other established co-ops
Acquired experience in a broad range of industries
Hands-on partner in executing agreed upon changes
Utilizes superior purchasing for dealership specific commodities and services
Unhampered by potentially emotional relationships with suppliers